Welcome to my website!

My name is Bas Châtel, and you must be here to check out my personal site/blog. This site is made mainly to tell you about my exploits in science, the wonderful world of emacs, and some cool knick-knacks that I pick up along the way. For example, this website is made by a combination of org-mode packages, javascript and some bootstrap HTML. Each page that you see is mainly just org-mode markup! Also there will be some tutorials in python, JavaScript, etc. It is still very much under construction as you can see but take a look around, and enjoy!


Lets talk about git (Part 2)

Recap previous In the previous post, we talked about what version control is, how it stores its versions of files and how a centralized vs distributed version control works. We mostly talked about the intuition of why we would want to use version control and how it works.

Lets talk about git

Why am I writing this? As I am reading this book I want to create a place where I can place my notes in a way that makes sense, and that is easily used for reference later on. After several years of doing projects and using the superficial Git commands, it is time to delve a little deeper and actually understand what I'm doing.

The creature, the gentleman, and the king

Once upon a time, there was a land filled with retirees in a kingdom far, far away. These elderly people might have been old, but were still very much young at heart. However, the land was much too big, and all lived at a great distance from one another, making contact difficult.

Frederique Frog - Free for Frendetta style

Once upon a time, there was a french frog named Frederique. Frederique's fragrance was, frankly, somewhat frustrating to him. This, and his freckled appearance, freaked out many a Frenchman; Frederique was frequently lonely. Fretting about the lack of frivolousness in his life, he sat on a frosty, frizzy piece of fruit, frowning.

Een verhaal over de olifant - Toon Telligen stijl

De olifant zat aan de rand van het bos. Hij was aan het luisteren, niet naar een iets in het bijzonder. Maar gewoon… Luisteren. Toen de Eekhoorn langs liep was hij verwonderd over waarom de olifant zo stilletjes erbij zat. Hij kwam wat dichter bij en wachtte even.